Somaliland: “Direct Talks with Khatumo Secessionists a Step towards Peaceful Reconciliation” Bashe M Farah


Says the deputy speaker of parliament as he reveals that Hargeisa has established a talks committee for the begin of unconditional talks with Khatumo Secessionists

Staking a claim to Sool region leadership L-R Legislator Bashe M Farah, Khatumoist Prof Galayd and Somaliland Health minister Dr Haglatosie cum successful peace ndegotiator

By: Mohamed Suleiman

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The Government of Somaliland stated that they are welcoming the recent announcement of the Khatumo leader Ali Khalif Galayd in opening direct talks the state and Khatumo secessionists since they share common geographical map and social interest.

This was officially confirmed by the deputy speaker of Somaliland’s House of Representatives Mr Bashe Mohamed Farah, in a telephone interview with Dawan Newspaper.

Mr Bashe who informed that Somaliland is ready to open talks with Ali Khalif and is eager to end conflicts in compromise said “To open talks with Galayd is a step forward and we are welcoming end to the Sool region conflict in consensus”

Highlighting that the Government of Somaliland and Khatumo leaders had previously met in a preliminary unofficial and secret talks, the legislator said time is now for an end to acrimonies in the east of the country through direct talks.

“We are welcoming greatly to open talks with Galayd” Mr Farah said, adding that Somaliland has nominated a committee for these talks.

Silanyo and Hagaltosie in a handshake of peace“These talks are without pre-set conditions… It is pledged to open the talks without condition.” Mr Bashe said, underlining that both sides agree to start talks soon, but not yet officially seen eye to eye for when and where the talks will take place.

The much anticipated talks for peaceful reconciliation was announced recently by the secessionist leader Prof Ali Khalif Galayd but with a number of untenable conditions contrary to revelations by Bashe that initial unofficial meetings concluded with agreement to enter dialogue without pre-set conditions

Despite the fact that Bashe is a senior figure in the ruling Kulmiye party and comes from the same Dulbhante sub-clan as Prof Galayd the speed of his statement on behalf of the government of which he is does not represent official is suspicious thence an obvious covert attempt to Side-line the health minister Dr Suleiman Isse ‘Haglatosie’ a heavyweight from Buhodle and sole acknowledged Sool region peacemaker after successful Buhodle peace accord’s –Editor

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