Somalilandsun- People of all walks of life today converged in all provinces and districts of Somaliland to protest the naked interferences of their country internal affairs by Somalia’s lame duck government.
This comes hot in the heels of a dubious motion passed by the Mogadishu parliament
forfeiting a tripartite agreement reached by Somaliland, the UAE and Ethiopia.
According to information obtained by Somaliland News Agency (SOLNA) the demonstration were held in Hargeisa, Berbera, Borama, Burao, Baligubadle, Sayla and Odweine towns. The demonstrators were chanting slogans in support of DP World while cursing the Somalia government.
The protestors passed through the main thorough ways intersecting all major towns in the country. The demonstrators carried placards that had been christened with anti-Somalia sentiments and other were printed with words supporting DP World investments in the country.

Meanwhile in Burao the minister of Internal affairs Mr. Mohammed Kahin Ahmed held an impromptu meeting with thousands protestors. He revealed that the Somalia government had realized that sooner rather than later
Somaliland is poised to be recognized by the international community in that respect it has started a smearing campaign to tarnish Somaliland’s good reputation as a bastion of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa region.
The minister confirmed an investment worth $442 million dollars is to be pumped into Somaliland economy by our brotherly and friendly country of the UAE.
Thousands of demonstrators marched in the streets of Berbera town to support the tripartite agreement reached by Somaliland and her partners.
The president of Somaliland H.E Musa Bihi Abdi is on an official state visit to the UAE to sign more bilateral deals with Abudhabi.
The Somalia handpicked parliament recently passed a motion cancelling the tripartite agreement reached by Somaliland, UAE and Ethiopia.
The bill which was passed by tribal legislators has no meaning worse still they have no control over Somaliland a country with a democratic elected president, parliament and independent judiciary.

Somalia lame duck government which is supported by AMISOM has no control over Mogadishu lest alone other southern regions of the country. To add insult to injury it is still dreaming to take control a country, Somaliland whose people it maimed and massacred. More than 50,000 Somalilanders were butchered by the late butcher of Mogadishu Mohammed Siad Bare.
And as a result the people of Somaliland came out forcefully to show their support for DP World investment in their country at the same time opposing the naked interference of Somalia in their country affairs.