Somaliland sun – Genel Energy plc is a United Kingdom-based production and exploration company. The Firm is an independent petroleum company in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Company is structured along two business sections being the geographical areas in which it manages: Kurdistan and Africa of which giant is Genel Energy Somaliland Limited
As Hayward,Anthony (Tony) B sold 150,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Monday, September 28th and Ozgul,Murat purchased 30,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Friday, October 30th, Shares of Genel Energy PLC (LON:GENL) have been assigned an average recommendation of “Buy” from the eighteen ratings firms that are currently covering the company, MarketBeat.Com reports.
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Somaliland: Genel Energy Dedicated to Mutually Beneficial Oil and Gas Exploration