Somaliland: Berbera Mayor Faces Charges for Wrongful Workers Dismissal


mayor Mohammoud Abdishakur is alleged to have fired 140 local council workers illegally

By M. A. Egge

Somalilandsun – The national general workers union is to sue the Berbera mayor for allegedly wrongfully dismissing by laying off 140 workers without justification from the port city’s municipal council.

The union’s secretary general Mr. Mohammed Ahmed told our sister paper Dawan that it was imperative that workers should to be treated in accordance with the general standardized rules and regulations that cater for their rights.

According to the trade union, the mayor was completely out of order and committed an illegal act when he sent packing a gross of public servants against the law.

He said that he was instituting proceedings at the Supreme Court against the Berbera civic leadership.

The sacked workers had told the press earlier on about their plight and pleaded to the Head of State to intervene.

Mayor M AbdishakurMr. Mohammed claimed that mayor accused the workers of misappropriating public funds something the unionist said was a case to be decided by the auditor general only.

He said that Mayor Mohammoud Abdishakur I’ddin did not follow the laid down procedures to deal with the issue of instituting probes on alleged culprits but decided to sack over 13 dozen persons.