Somaliland: Auctioning Somalia and its National Assets – Cartoon


Somalilandsun- Amin Arts is an activist and a Canadian of Somali origin who campaigns for social change and overall justice among the Somalis.

In this episode of his cartoons, Amin Arts depicts a market that sells the national assets of Somalia including the marine wealth , marine boundaries , buildings , mosques, land and public properties. In the cartoon, the shop that auctions the country is run by the Somali president supported by two ladies.

At the right corner, the Somali PM is selling Somali marine boundaries to Kenya while another Somali official is auctioning homes, Jazeera district, Mosques, schools Hamar district and more land.
The speaker of the parliament who sits at bottom left in the cartoon is resting and taking a nap after launching an impeachment motion .
