Somaliland: Amb Wu Peng the Chinese African Affairs Expat Leads Diplomatic Offensive Mission to Hargeisa

The chinese offensive mission in Somaliland
Amb Wu Peng leads the anti Taiwan-Somaliland diplomatic relations Chinese offensive mission to Hargeisa-google image

Somalilandsun: An earnest Chinese offensive against diplomatic ties between Taiwan and Somaliland is now ongoing in Hargeisa.
This follows the arrival of a three member Ministry of foreign affairs team from Beijing led by Ambassador Wu Peng the ministry’s African desk director general.
The arrival of the team from Beijing brings the total of Chinese officials currently in Hargeisa to seven among them her, envoy to Somalia Amb Qin Jian.
The weight Beijing places on this mission can he ascertained by choice of the 53 years old Wu Peng who is a seasoned diplomat with extensive insights of African politics.
After joining the diplomatic corps in 1990 as Secretary, Beijing Service Bureau for Diplomatic Missions in Beijing Amb Peng went on to serve his country as 3rd Attaché in the UK, Counsellor at the UN, MOFA information director folkiwed by a stint in kivak government as mayor of Sanyan city Hainan province from 2014-2016
Between 2016-2019 Wu Peng served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Sierra Leone

After a 2019 tenure as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Kenya, Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-Habitat
Married, Amb Wu Peng was appointed to his current post Director general Ministry of reign affiars Africa Department.
Though this and recent past visits by Chinese officials continue to be shrouded in secrecy by both the visitors and hosts, it is an open secret that Beijing has only one mission, derailment of the Somaliland-Taiwan diplomatic pact.
What is China’s Ministry of foreign affairs African Department
The Department implements China’s foreign policy and principles. It reports and works on China’s bilateral relations with countries and regions concerned, manages diplomatic contacts with and makes representations to relevant countries and regions, oversees and coordinates policies on and cooperation and exchanges with relevant countries and regions and guides the operation of China’s overseas diplomatic missions within its regional jurisdiction. It is responsible for translation and interpretation for important diplomatic functions, documents and instruments in relevant languages
This is a developing story so keep watch of this site for things as they happen, for the Chinese surely came to play foreign politics the President Xi way, Hiw much?, railroad, roads, bridges etc

In Taipei the authorites have reacted to Chinese offensive in Somaliland by revealing that the Taiwan representatives office in Hargeisa shall be Operational by end month