Somaliland: A Fractured Khatumo Movement Continues Reconciliation Talks In Djibouti


Somaliland and Khatumo negotiators at meeting in Djibouti

By: Yusuf M Hasan
Somalilandsun- For the second time neighbouring Djibouti is host to Somaliland and Khatumo movement negotiators.
The 2nd Phase of DJ hosted reconciliation talks were confirmed by chairman of the opposition party Eng Feisal Ali Warabe who is leading the Somaliland team of negotiations during a telephone interview with Waheen newspaper.
The negotiations that are geared towards reconciling political dispute between the Somaliland central government and the Sool region based secession movement that aspires to a Khatumo state of Somalia presumably to be curved from parts of eastern Somaliland were initially hosted by the Ethiopia federal government.
According to Eng Feisal Ali out of the ongoing phase of talks shall be divulged on Monday immediately after negotiations are complete.
During earlier phase of talks both in the Ethiopian capital and in Djibouti a number of agreements were reached more so the imperatives of the neurons the talks initiated without preset conditions are concluded successfully.
Disputed areas Similarly the administration in Hargeisa upon agreeing to meet with the khatumoists on an equal footing gave the secessionists a semblance of hirtheto denied recognition as a distinct entity with some bones to grind.
Though the talks have been received warmly by citizens of Somaliland the implementation of agreements remains uncertain following the dispute within Khatumo that has seen two factions, pro and anti the reconciliations emerge.