SomalilandSun -On 26 September, Somali Prosecutors and Officers of the Somali Police Force Maritime Police Unit began a three-day Maritime Legal Seminar in Mogadishu organised by EUCAP Somalia in cooperation with EU NAVFOR ATALANTA.
“Cooperation between Police and Prosecutors in the maritime context” and “the Somali Legal System related to tasks and responsibilities of the Maritime Police Unit” are among the subjects which will be covered at the seminar. The seminar is part of EUCAP Somalia’s on-going support to help strengthen cooperation between Somali Maritime Police and Prosecutors.
EU NAVFOR ATALANTA will present its activities and achievements in disrupting and suppressing piracy, including elements of the legal framework that supports the counter-piracy operation.
This represents the fifth activity in a series of seminars which EUCAP Somalia has organised for the Maritime Police Unit and Prosecutors’ Office in Mogadishu. The support contributes towards enhanced cooperation between Somali Prosecutors and Maritime Police and to improved legal knowledge in the maritime context.
EUCAP Somalia is a civilian EU mission, under the auspices of the Common Security and Defence Policy, which assists Somalia in strengthening its capacity to ensure maritime security.