Child Nutrition in Somaliland: Save the Children Gabiley Districts SMART Survey Report

Child Nutrition in Somaliland

Somalilandsun: Save the Children has worked in Somaliland since 1951 when it set up a vocational school for orphaned boys in Somaliland.

From the early 1970s it has provided emergency assistance when the needs demand. Each year, about 650,000 people benefit from longer term development work in Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Education, Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Child Protection and Child Rights Governance.

Save the Children initiated Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relieve and Transition (SMART) surveys in Gabiley district to measure the extent of malnutrition. Sites were selected based on data gaps and anticipated severity of the effects of ongoing drought. The main objectives of this survey is estimating – prevalence of acute malnutrition rate, under-five and crude death rates in the last 3 months, coverage of immunization and vitamin This study finds that global acute malnutrition (GAM) rates is alerting stage at 6.7, crude death rates in the district is also reported as NNN. Child feeding practices and household level food security, coping strategies and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) situations also analyzed, the study find that access to toilet facility is limited at household level.

SMART surveys have been used in Somalia/Somaliland to generate important data for situation analysis. The data has also been used in programming and general surveillance of nutrition situation in the country. Key players in generating of this information have been cluster partners and FSNAU. FSNAU SMART surveys have been based on livelihood zones while most cluster partners have conducted district level SMART surveys as this is their unit of implementation.

The SCI SMART Child Nutrition Survey in Gabiley Districts, Somaliland Report concludes that

Given the anticipated effects of prolonged droughts in Somaliland, Save the Children conducted this SMART survey in Gabiley districts primarily to measure the acute malnutrition, mortality and child morbidity rates in an effort to contribute in the overall emergency response efforts by the government and various humanitarian agencies. Overall, it was found that the nutritional situation is an alert stage. Although there have been 8 relatively some level of humanitarian support in Gabiley, there are some gaps remaining in terms of nutrition coverage.

Read  below full report Child Nutrition in Somaliland: SMART Survey Report Gabiley Districts,

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