Basic Education for Pastoralist Children Program in Somaliland Project


Project Title : Basic Education for Pastoralist Children Program in Somaliland

Project overall goal: The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the fulfilment of the rights of all children (with equal opportunity to girls and disadvantaged groups) in Somaliland to quality, inclusive and equitable basic education services.

Specific Objective: The specific Objective of the project is to increase enrolment and retention of children from pastoral and agro-pastoral in Somaliland.

Project Period: March 2012-January 2014

Targeted Locations: Sanaag Region

Expected Result:

Result 1: Improved 4000 marginalized and out of school children (50% girls) gained access to basic education through improved and diversified delivery approaches.

Result 2: Improved educational management (supervision, quality assurance and standards control) by the MOE, REOs, DEOs and CECs:

Main component Activities:

Secondary data analysis of the pastoralist situation survey:

Conduct a study and identify nomad routes and movement patterns and site selection:

Establish 6 new ABE mobile schools (Level 1-3) using low cost affordable materials: Activity Construct and furnish 4 ABE centers and integrate Koranic school

Introduce flexi time classes in 9 existing formal schools:

Furnish and equip the new classrooms in all ABE centers

Provide girls sanitary kits Establish Linkage of ABE centers with nearby formal schools:

Support a study to identify the best delivery approach on pastoralist education including cost implications/ cost benefit analysis and inform the respective MOEs for future explicability

Develop awareness creation messages and conduct awareness creation and sensitization to community members focusing on cross cutting issues:

Assessment, selection and training of ABE teachers in the newly selected ABE Centers:

Provide training for ABE teachers on multi grade teaching:.

Provide incentive support for the newly recruited ABE teachers and unpaid teachers in existing ABE centers:.

Develop and provide supplementary life skill reading materials for ABE centers:

Promote children’s participation through supporting children’s clubs and sport activities:

Establish cluster centers to support ABE Centers:

Introduce mobile libraries:

Prepare and support examination for level 5 students:

Implement Interactive Audio Instruction (IAI) in selected 29 ABE schools and improve the quality of education:

Assess the capacity development needs of MOE/REO/DEO staff and CECs

Conduct capacity development training for MOE, REO, and DEO officers:

Organize exchange visits for MOE officials from Somaliland to the neighboring countries:.

Support MOE, REO and DEO staff to conduct quarterly supervision of ABE centers:

Establish/Strengthen CECs in all ABE Centers and formal schools (50% women):

Undertake training for CEC members on roles and responsibilities

Advocate for increased ABE Program Financing:.

Funded Agency: UNICEF with co-implement with Save the Children
