Somalilandsun: A consortium of South Africans and organizations are supportive and committed to the international recognition of Somaliland.
This was revealed to president Musa Bihi at the Somaliland presidency in Hargeisa by a visiting delegation from South Africa composed of Political parties , Trade union, Business and Civil Society representatives.
“On behalf of the government and people of Somaliland I welcome you to our country” president Bihi told the South Africans adding that their presence here exemplifies their determination towards a recognized Somaliland.
The SA delegation that met with president Bihi arrived last Wednesday and is led by the National Organizer of the South Africa Communist Party-SACP Mhelekwa Nxumalo and includes
Abner Mosaase who is a member of the Foreign Affairs committee of the ruling Africa National Congress, Malose Ramashala secretary of the South African chamber of commerce and industry and Allen Magumbi who owns a medical equipment production plant.
At the meeting the Somaliland head of state was flanked by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Yasin Mahmud Hiir (Faraton), Interior, Mr. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, Finance Dr Sa’ad Ali Shire and the 2nd Vice Chairman of Kulmiye party, Ahmed Abdi Hussein (Ahmed Abdi Dheere).
According to the Somaliland Envoy to South Africa who accompanied the visiting delegation Amb Ahmed Jama Shire the objective is to fact findings thence advance the activities of the recently established Somaliland Action Group in Johannesburg.

In an exclusive briefing to and The Horn Tribune newspaper in Hargeisa the delegation’s leader Mhelekwa Nxumalo said that “having brought the establishment of the Somaliland Action Group-SAG to fruition it is now imperative for factual information on the country as opposed to reliance on draft reports,”
Elaborating on the genesis of the SAG, the SACP official said that it is as a result of agreement reached during a consultative summit in which members of civil society, political organizations and trade unions of South Africa and Somaliland officials gathered in Sandton Johannesburg between the 23th-24th of November 2020, to discuss the issue of and the strengthening of the relations with the people of Somaliland. The summit was dubbed The Somaliland Solidarity Conference.
According to the South Africa Communist Party-SACP national Organizer who has been involved from the onset the Objectives of the Somaliland Action Group-SAG are
- To take forward the struggle for the international recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign nation within structures like AU, UN etc. as well as individual states in the continent and throughout the world.
- Facilitate inter-people communication, visits, Trade, whose precursor shall be having the South African Government accept the Somaliland passport accepted as a valid document.
Apart from Somaliland officials led by finance minister Dr Saad Ali Shire participating organizations at the Somaliland Solidarity Conference in Sandton Johannesburg were
The ANC, SACP, COSATU, NEHAWU, #Africa4Palestine, FOCUS, Communist Party of Swaziland, Communist Party of Zimbabwe, PUDEMO as well as academics, members of the media, opinion makers and others. .
The Somaliland Solidarity conference final communique can be read HERE
According to Mhelekwa Nxumalo “Unless Somaliland is Recognized Internationally Members of the South African Communist Party are not Free”

While he and the team were in Hargeisa the South Africa Communist Party Central Committee met on Friday and Saturday, 18–19 December 2020 to evaluate the year and adopt the 2021 programme of action.
The SACP is commemorating its Centenary since establishment as “the Year of Mass Activism and the SACP Centenary”
The Central Committee declared the SACP Centenary Year, 2021, the ‘The Year of Mass Activism’ by the working-class and poor, strictly observing COVID-19 preventative protocols, through localised actions. This will be guided by the theme, ‘Put people before Profits’, and will involve, as a strategic objective, the forging of a popular Left front and capacity to assert working-class hegemony in the face of neoliberalism, its austerity agenda, corruption, and against the general undermining of working-class interests.
From its 1920s political Alliance with ruling Africa National Congress-ANC party the SACP enjoys a clout in government since most of its policies are adopted.
For Somaliland the 18th–19th December 2020 SACP central committee meeting is very important because she was part of 2021 action plan.
While decisions of the Central Committee plenary on the Year of Mass Activism: The Year of the SACP Centenary, 2021 were numerous poignant is the one on International Solidarity
Quote- The Central Committee expressed solidarity with the people of Swaziland struggling for democracy, the people of Zimbabwe who are facing a monumental economic crisis, and the people of Somaliland. The SACP calls for an end to all wars on the African continent in favour of peaceful settlement of disputes. We support the African Union’s commitment to silence the guns in our continent.
The Central Committee denounced the proclamation signed by the outgoing United States President, Donald Trump, wanting to recognise the so-called sovereignty of Morocco over Western Sahara in exchange for Morocco establishing full diplomatic relations with the apartheid Israeli regime. The Central Committee expressed solidarity with the people of Western Sahara and Palestine and called upon Morocco and Israel to end their respective occupation of Western Sahara and Palestinian territories.
The SACP congratulates the Left in Kerala, India for its decisive victories in the recently held elections, and the Movement for Socialism for its electoral victory in Bolivia.

The Central Committee urged the global community to respect the outcomes of Venezuela’s elections for its National Assembly and expressed its solidarity with the Venezuelan people and its Bolivarian revolution. Read full communique by the SACP central committee HERE