Somalilandsun: “UAE Military will Attract investment and Floodgates to Recognition” Minister Sahardiid


Somaliland information minister Osman Abdilahi Sahardiid

By: Guleid Abdi Mahir

Somalilandsun- The minister of Information and National Guidance Mr. Osman Abdillahi Sahardid (Addani) has accused the opposition National Party (Wadani) for acting like guerrilla groups and wants to cause chaos and anarchy.

He was speaking during a news conference he called in his office in Hargeisa, the minister stated explicitly the importance and benefits of implementing the military base the UAE wants to establish at Berbera, which he acknowledge is the start of a new chapter for Somaliland to come out of political oblivion brought about by the lack of international recognition. 

The Information Minister in his press briefing rebuked and understated the claims by some members of parliament and politicians from the opposition national Party (Wadani) he had this to say “The lies and propaganda the opposition party Wadani is spreading on the media is not what a national party can announce this is something that could dent Somaliland’s sovereignty and independence. They are calling for civil disobedience and anarchy. They are no longer an opposition party but a militia because they are not ready to compete in the electoral process hence inciting citizens to take up arms and cause chaos. If the opposition cross the red line they should know that power is gained through the ballot box but not war. The opposition have their rights they should come with constructive criticism instead of calling for civil disobedience. 

He went on to say “The people of Somaliland have understood the leaders of Wadani and are now in the know. They comprehend whenever Wadani misses her interest in any deal they go to the media and abuse the government. They allege that there is no government in Somaliland.

I say government around the world strike deals and the Somalilanders know they have a government. Wadani party puts personal interest in front of national ones. We are a government but if Wadani party does not believe that I have heard people back biding Wadani that it wants Somaliland for unite with Mogadishu.  

Wadani is calling for violent demonstrations this is not acceptable they are fighting for their personal interests and want to bring chaos and uncertainly by returning Somaliland to the olden days of conflict and war. People of Somaliland have become resilient because of the peace which they have guarded jealously. A Wadani parliamentarian making unnecessary noise plus the leaders of that party let them know that government will table the UAE military base agreement before the two houses of representatives for debate and approval. 

The government will put forward the UAE military base deal and inform the public of Somaliland, wherever they may be the memorandum of understanding between the two countries.

The Houses of Representatives members will scrutinize this deal so that whatever suspicion they may have comes to light, the government is clean and has nothing to hide. Those idle men who are loitering in town have no responsibly in government so they have no business talking about issues they have no knowledge the country has a president and vice-president who the people entrusted with their lives.

The biggest task of the president is to guard and protect the security of Somaliland people so that its people sleep in peace those who want to introduce anarchy will not have their way.

Mr. Adani said.

“This is not the first or last time Wadani has incited the public against the government. When the government announced the construction of Ergiavo road they revolted, they also incited the people when the state brought in investers to invest in Berbera International Port, they opposed DP World deal they were also against the Qol-adey project they went further and incited villages against the oil exploration companies in the east of the country but today their lies has come to an end, and it is the prerogative of the government to look for investments wherever the interest of Somaliland people and country is available”. Mr. Addani stated. 

Mr. Adani added that the military Base will not have any negative impact on the country’s security but would open opportunities for investment and a get way for Somaliland recognition in the international arena. 

“The UAE applied to set a military base in Berbera this is because the people of Somaliland and the UAE have one thing in common they are both Muslims countries which cooperate and have bilateral relationship. These lies being spread by the opposition party Wadani is not in the interest of Somaliland can make the country become a pariah state because we are not a recognized country. 

The minister highlighted the benefits of the UAE military base which he stated has a multitude of interest for Somaliland development agenda.

“This military base is not something else but a cooperation that has many benefits, for instance in terms of national security which will improve, it will uplift the quality of our military expertise because they will help train our men in uniform. They will also help in guarding our coastline which is 850km long hence protect our sea resources which trawlers loot. They will also help in the fight against piracy and terrorism. Furthermore will help to improve our economic wellbeing because our country lack recognition, hence could not afford many infrastructure development projects because it’s poor. 

The Berbera to Wajale highway which will cost about 230-300 million dollars not to forget the creations of thousands of jobs for our people, thus alleviate the endemic joblessness that has incapacitated our people. 

They will help in the energy sector whereby the renewal energy like solar will be invested in and many of our graduates will get scholarship, to further their studies in the UAE. We also have UAE doctors who will train our doctors. The information minister informed “This country has been in the wilderness for the past 25 years because of lack of international.