SomalilandElections2021: On this Day of 31st May this Unrecognized Country enters the Annals of World Elections History

SomalilandElections2021: On this Day of 31st May this Unrecognized Country enters the Annals of World Elections History
With over one million voters at polling stations for SomalilandElections2021 those with disabilities were given special preference

Somalilandsun: On this day of 31st May 2021 the  internationally Unrecognized states enters World Elections History books.

Today more than 1,065,947 registered voters casted their votes — with 246 candidates gunning for 82 parliamentary seats and 966 vying for 249 district municipality seats in the six regions of the Republic of Somaliland.

On this day Somaliland holds for the first time combined parliamentary and local Councils elections.

SomalilandElections2021: On this Day of 31st May this Unrecognized Country enters the Annals of World Elections History
Somaliland elections 2021 factsheet

On this day there is for the first time ever a GABOOYE minority clan candidate Barkhad Batuun of Wadani party  thus  on the parliamentary ballot paper for Maroodi-jeeh region.

SomalilandElections2021: On this Day of 31st May this Unrecognized Country enters the Annals of World Elections History
For the first in the Somaliland democratization process a Gabooye minority candidate for parliament, Khadar Jama Batuun- Wadani party is on the ballot papers for Maroodi-jeeh region

And if hearsay be correct he will be the first ever Gabooye clan Member of parliament.

On this very day of 31st May 2021 the Somaliland parliamentary and local Councils elections ballot papers have a large number of female aspirants to the  offices , Member of parliament and Councillor.

SomalilandElections2021: On this Day of 31st May this Unrecognized Country enters the Annals of World Elections History
List of female candidates vying for local Council seats in the Somaliland elections 2021

AGAIN On this day Somaliland which is the first in the to use the Iris Biometrics Face recognition voter registration technology,  also becomes the first to use the Iris Biometrics Voter Verification  System.

Below are a sample of comments on the 2021 joint


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