Somaliland: What are the Functions of the Coast Guard?


Somaliland coast guard

Somaliland sun- On its Facebook  page Somaliland coast Guard  detailed its Functions as follows 

• Maritime Safety, including Vessel Traffic Management
• Maritime Security
• Maritime Customs activities
• The prevention and suppression of Trafficking and Smuggling and connected Maritime Law Enforcement
• Maritime Border Control
• Maritime Surveillance
• Maritime Environmental Protection and Response
• Search and Rescue (SAR)
• Accident and Disaster Response
• Fisheries Control
• Maritime Safety
• Maritime safety is concerned with the protection of life and property through regulation, management and technology development of all forms of waterborne transportation 
• Maritime Security 
• Maritime security is the concept of maintaining the freedom of the seas unhindered by piracy or other man-made threats
• Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA)
• …the overall understanding of the activities at sea which have an impact on maritime safety and security, border control, maritime pollution and maritime environment, fisheries control, general law enforcement, defence as well as the economic interests of the State
• MSA could be divided into the following components:
• Maritime surveillance picture
• Maritime intelligence
• Maritime resource situation picture
Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)
• MSA does focus on what is happening at sea
• MDA is focusing on what also is happening in de domain connected to the sea:
– Harbours
– Transport of cargo on land, aiming to be loaded on a ship
• Maritime Zones