Somaliland: Wajale Dry Port Tussle for Transport Rights Between Locals and Ethiopians

Somaliland: Wajale Dry Port Tussle for Transport Rights Between Locals and Ethiopians

Somalilandsun: While competition in any business activity is good for consumers it is unfair to grant privileges to some operators.

This was the rallying cry by  Local truck owners and their drivers at the Wajale Dry Port during protests against licenses granted to some well connected operators by the Somaliland ministry of commerce.

According to the truck owners the licenses allows the grantees to haul vegetables directly from Ethiopia to Hargeisa thus eliminating the locals who were conduit between the two countries.

A large tonnage of goods is hauled through the Wajale Dry port from and to Somaliland -Ethiopia

“Prior to this new arrangement the Ethiopian Truckers used to deposit their cargo at our , Somaliland, side of the dry port from where we took over for distribution in our country” said a spokesman of Himilo Truck Owners Cooperative

According to the truck owners the new licensing scheme creates a monopoly for their counterparts from Ethiopia thus putting the locals out of business.

spokesman of Himilo Truck Owners Cooperative

“If this deal is straightforward and not one geared to enrich a few well connected operators then Somaliland truckers should be allowed to haul goods from Berbera straight to destinations in Ethiopia” argue the truckers

Accusing the commerce ministry of not consulting with them or undertaking any studies on the matter prior to the special preference licenses the truckers who say they might cease payment of  huge amount in taxes.