Somaliland: Updates on Advanced Research on Somali Language and Literature by Dr Martin Orwin


Somalilandsun – Hargeysa Cultural Center, Saturday 21 March, 2015 – 19.00-21.30 Event Language: Somali and English

Redsea Cultural Foundation is delighted to host a talk on “updates on Advanced Research on Somali Language and Literature” by Dr Martin Orwin, School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London.

Somali language and literature has recently been going through a rapid transformation because of the current transition of oral to written by the growing Somali Diaspora and impact of the new technology. Therefore, it’s excited time for Independent researchers and institutions that are doing research on this field of Somali studies.

Other contributes
• Cabdiraxmaan C. Barwaaqo, Gaarriye Institute of Languages and Literature, the University of Hargeysa
• Jama Musse Jama , Redsea Cultural Foundation.
Abdirahman and Jama will both share with us their current research on language and literature

We will conclude the evening with poetry readings and short play on language written and directed by Cabdiraxmaan Yusuf Artan, which will be performed by Hiddo Academy group.

Join us Saturday, 21 March at 19.00-21.30