Somaliland: UN Flight Ban Lifted as Government Probes Opening Borama International Airport


By: Yusuf M HasanMoCAAT team inspects Borama airport

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – UNHAS aircrafts can now resume its flights to the country Two months after the government of Somaliland imposed a ban on all UN flights.

This was announced by the minister of Civil Aviation and Air Transport Mr Mahmud Abdi Hashi who informed that as from the 15th July 2013 all UN flights are able to land and take off in Somaliland airports without let or hindrance.

“The ban has been lifted after considering the Aviation agreement reached by Somaliland and Somalia during the second round of talks held in Turkey earlier this month” he said during the press conference

On the 14th May and after UNDP handed over Somaliland’s airspace control to the Somalia federal government in Mogadishu the government through the ministry of Civil Aviation and air transport-MoCAAT banned from the 15th of May all UN Flights from operating in Somaliland in addition Hargeisa announcing that it shall assume sole control in July.

While the MoCAAT has conveyed to the various agencies manning the airspace and airports in both somaliland and Somalia that it has fully assumed control of its airspace recent agreements in Turkey come up with a joint strategy for somaliland to manage the two countries airspaces through a joint body to be established in Hargeisa also responsible for the equitable sharing of revenue.

Meanwhile MoCAAT which is intent on operationalizing the now moribund international Airport at Borama dispatched a team of local and on contract foreign engineers to the western town in Awdal region for assessment.

The engineers led by the MoCAAT Director General Mohamed Dalal Farah who arrived in Borama town on the 15th July have already started assessment at the airport thus come up with relevant designs and budget for the rehabilitation to be embarked upon as soon as possible.

MoCAAT under the able guidance of its indefatigable minister Mr Mahmud Abdi Hashi has within a period of two years revamped the country’s international airports of Egal and Berbera which are currently functioning to international standards.

While works at the Egal international airport in Hargeisa are in its final stages, Borama airport shall join the one at Burao for face-lifting and rehabilitation works.