Somaliland: UK Funded Works at Berbera Airport Completed


By: Yusuf M HasanWind power generator at Berbera airport

BERBERA (Somalilandsun) – The Berbera international airport is seeking a wind powered electrician to man relevant equipment installed at the airport.

This was revealed by the minister of aviation Mr Mahmud Abdi Hashi who also informed that the airport has also installed security lights with the entire airport perimeter that has also been fenced.

The minister who thanked the government of the United Kingdom for making the developments at the port city based airport possible promiMinister Mahmud A Hashi at the farthest edges of the now fenced Berbera airport sed to ensure that the newly installed equipment shall be put to good use.

Said he, “This new developments that we commission for use today were made possible by British people and government through a contribution of $300, 000”

Courtesy of the wind powered electricity that is now supplying the entire airport the new lighting and fence shall help enhance security at the international said Minister Hashi who further revealed that other developments geared towards world class modernization are on-going.

This is the first public or private institution in the country to be fully powered by wind generatedNew Berbera airport fence is wired to electrocute intruders electricity

The Berbera airport which is currently carrying the bulk of air traffic to Somaliland due to the on-going works at Egal international airport in Hargeisa is also beneficiary of a chunk of the $10 Million airport development funds donated by the Kuwaiti government.

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