Somaliland: UCID’s Faisal Dreams of Winning the Presidency! Time to Wake Up!


Applauding the candidature of Jamal as UCID party flag bearer L- R Decamped VP candindate Abdirashid H Matan Feisal Ali Warabe and Jamal Ali Hasan

By: Ahmed Kheyre

Somalilandsun – As the voter registration recommences in Marodi Jeex region, UCID’s embattled and out of touch party chair, Faisal Ali Warabe spoke about his dreams of winning the Presidential elections in 2017. Speaking to the media, after registering with the Somaliland National Elections Commission (NEC), Eng. Faisal; ignoring the facts of the investigations by the Somaliland Political Parties Oversight Commission, along with the prospective libel suit in the Somaliland courts; the out of touch chair, stated that he has a good chance of winning next year’s elections!

There are moments in our history, when people of good faith and compassion have to step in and help a person in need. UCID chair , Faisal Ali Warabe, is such a person. He lives in a fantasy world, and is unable to accept the fact that his political sell by date has long since expired. There are several reasons why Eng. Faisal is delusional, if he actually believes, that the people of Somaliland will elect him as their next president. They are as follows;

1. Faisal Ali Warabe is not the presumptive presidential candidate for UCID. That position is filled by Jamal Ali Hussein.

2. UCID does not personally belong to Faisal Ali Warabe. It is a national party belonging to all Somalilanders.

3. Faisal Ali Warabe has neither the political acumen nor the vision to lead Somaliland.

4. The people of Somaliland have rejected Faisal Ali Warabe on two previous presidential elections, 2002 and 2010. Nothing has changed and they will continue to rejected him until perpetuity.

5. Faisal Ali Warabe has reneged on all agreements with new members of UCID, such as Jamal Ali Hussein, Ali Gurey and ex-UCID member Abdirashid Matan.

6. Faisal Ali Warabe has instigated the illegal removal from office of senior UCID members and named new officials, literally from the streets, without the knowledge and approval of the party’s central committee, as stipulated in the UCID constitution and in compliance with the Somaliland constitution.

7. Faisal Ali Warabe has rejected the appeals and words of wisdom from his own community elders with regard to the dispute with Jamal Ali Hussein.

8. Faisal Ali Warabe is being used by smarter and more astute political operatives in the Somaliland political arena in order to hinder his own party.

9. Faisal Ali Warabe cannot lead a party and ergo, cannot lead a nation.

10: If UCID is led into the next election by Faisal Ali Warabe, it will lose, again.

So, it is up to all Somalilanders to give Eng. Faisal Ali Warabe a dose of reality. We thank him for service to the country, and we will carry him into the Somaliland House of Elders.

The 2017 elections in Somaliland, both presidential and parliamentary, are crucial to the nation’s very existence. These elections will require the leadership of strong, competent and visionary men and women. The new Somaliland president will be facing new challenges and must possess the ability, knowledge and wisdom to face overcome them. The new Somaliland parliament must be one filled with educated, positive thinking and able representatives.

2017 will not be a time for has- beens, never will be’s and never must be’s.

Allaa Mahad Leh.