Somaliland: UCID Chairman Spews Anger on Government’s Silence over Taleeh Massacre


Feisal A. Warabe

By: G.A. Maher

HARGEISA: -(Somalilandsun):The chairman of opposition party of Justice

and Development (UCID) Mr. Faisal Ali-warabe decried the government’s

silence over Taleeh massacre whereby Puntland region of Somalia has

taken over Somaliland territory by force killing and maiming her


Mr. Faisal also accused Sool region politicians who he claimed cannot

lead without shedding blood.

He reminded the President H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Mohamud (Silanyo) that

during the last national conference which his party Kulmiye held

jointly with his party UCID the words he then uttered “today there is

no peace and security in Somalia and it is very absurd a land

belonging to Somaliland should be attacked by some rogue politicians

from Sool region who find happiness by shedding blood of their


“The previous war by the Khatumoist cartel was only to gain

parliamentary seats in Mogadishu”, he charged and continued, “Now this

militia are using Taleeh to win Puntland’s political favour by killing

their own people”.

He prayed, “May Almighty God have mercy on those poor Sools that lost

their lives”.

He said that the people of Taleeh have not seen a proper government

for 22 years and should not be killed because of want to gain

political capital out of it.

The UCID boss said that the silence of the government of Somaliland

over the interference of Puntland in our National affairs show that

the Kulmiye party is not honest on the nation’s independence.

. He said that in Buhodle there was a meeting being held by the

Khatumoist and Puntland controls east Sanaag region of Somaliland and


“You can see the government is not policing the country’s borders”, he wailed.

The opposition boss told president Silanyo to consult with the

opposition on matters concerning the country.

He went on to say that while the President Rayale was in power he

(President Silanyo) used to tell him that “The power is in your hands

but the nation affairs concerns us all”.