Somaliland sun – In a rapidly evolving world and with the increasing needs of humans also increases the possibilities to reach/achieve those needs, and because of that the world is now in a real renaissance in the field of management and guidance to reach their goals through shortcuts.
Somaliland reached a stage of renaissance and prosperity, where people watch out to the earth’s wealth and now it seems they are prepared to exploit these resources, there have been large investments and foreign companies coming to the country and beginning work projects to extract the goods of the earth.
There are four international oil companies that have agreed production-sharing agreements with the central government and the Ministry of Oil, Minerals and Energy, and there are several companies involved in mineral exploration passed the implementation phase and evolved to the production phase.
All of these actions and projects need a huge work and effort beyond the range of the present time and aimed towards the near and distant future; based on the scientific field studies and actual researches to help in the promotion of the earth’s wealth and also to the country’s economic potential and geological features to attract foreign investors and in order to draw the country on the international economic map.
The great evolution of the developed countries and their continuity on the top of the world pyramid for a long time depends on the methods of which they develop a strategic plans for the future of those countries, so the management and evaluation of the wealth of a country and its resources require a considerable care and attention, also it requires allocation of work to specific bodies so that the responsibilities are clear and defining accountability is effective.
Our country desperately needs now all the laws that govern our wealth, roadmaps and regulations that help in managing it properly and insuring that it’s in the benefit of the country and the people.
Those developed countries and even the countries in our league which are characterized with blessings of an enormous resources have governmental bodies that organize, evaluate, manage and study earth’s wealth, to make the most of it.
The formation of such bodies eventually and gradually helps in the identification, management and promotion of these resources.
Here are the most important points that require the formation of a Geological Body in our country:
1. The world’s attention to our earth’s wealth and acknowledgement of its value.
2. The fact that our country is a young immature country that’s still growing, it is an obligation to form such a body to control these resources and educate the people, and inform them the need to cooperate to reach our national goals.
3. The fact that the most parts of our country is veiled or un explored, for this there must be a national authority to do the necessary responsibilities in order to know the types, presence, location and quantity of the economic resources through field studies.
4. The fact that most people do not know the fundamentals of the country’s geology, for that there must be a governmental body that organizes a massive awareness campaigns to help the people to understand the field and office operations that aims towards taking advantage of these resources.
5. and finally to get a better supervising and evaluating accountability in a functioning system where responsibilities, duties and mistakes are clear.
The long-term strategic thinking is the basis of every successful civilization and every chronic long life development, and the foundation of all profitable business ventures, therefore we see the world around us gives it much interest and importance, I think that a governmental geological body would benefit massively the country, and for that I ask the government and the Minister of Oil, Minerals and Energy to give a lot of effort and time to analyze the formation of this body to keep up their incredible work in this field, while thinking about the interests of this country.
Salaam Alaykum
Mustafe Osman Adam
International University Of Africa
Pure And Applied Science
Department Of Geology
Khartoum, Sudan
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