By: Yusuf M Hasan
HARGEISA (somalilandsun) – New strategies towards the now 25 years old and ongoing quest for international recognition as a sovereign nation are now in place.
This follows deliberations between several individual foreigners and organizations with the Somaliland ministry of foreign affairs and local citizens at a function held in Hargeisa dubbed “The Case for Recognition Conference”
Participants were mostly foreigners sympathetic to the recognition quest of Somaliland officially invited by the ministry of foreign affairs to participate in commemorations marking the 25th anniversary of Independence on 18 May The objective was to help further to
1. Understand the rightful cause of Somaliland
2. Identify best strategies to achieve international recognition and
3. Establish lobby groups to support the recognition quest
Notable among the foreign and local dignitaries who were given the opportunity to inject their proposed strategies at the conference whose ultimate output was to come up with a set of realistic and achievable strategies for the recognition drive were
I. Somaliland minister of foreign affairs Dr Saad Ali Shire whose a detailed background on the case for Somaliland- watch video below
II. Chairman of SAHAN Pathfinders in policy and practice whose purview related to Historical perspective of Somaliland and the way forward
III. Captain rtd Iain King British army and head of Somaliland peace haven who also dwelt on historical perspective
IV. Dean at the college of law University of Hargeisa Mohamud Hussein Farah who briefed on international law and right to determination
V. Consultant Africanist Prof. Gerard Prunier briefing on the Somaliland independent past and international existence
VI. President of Franz Fanon university Hargeisa Dr Hussein Bulhan who gave a brief on the Somaliland Somalia talks The conference was concluded with a documentary comparing past and present Somaliland followed by Q&A session in which participants engaged the presenters.
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All the views expressed at “The Somaliland Case for Recognition Conference” shall be submit clip by clip beginning with (all English apart fromfewsomali language remarks) opening remarks of Dr Saad Ali Shire