As the armed forces commemorate 22nd Anniversary and president pledges to institute investigations as a prelude to elimination of slayings within the Somaliland army
By: Yusuf M Hasan
OOG (Somalilandsun) – The administration is concerned by increasing number of killings within the country’s armed forces
This was stated by the Somaliland president Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo during an address at Commemorations marking the 22nd anniversary of the Armed Forces in Oog town where he also revealed that a probe by professionals shall be instituted soon and subsequent recommendations implemented to not only deter in the future but completely eliminate instances of soldier killing soldier within barracks.
In the recent past Somaliland has been engulfed by cases of uniformed officers killing either colleagues or commanding officers at duty stations, acknowledged thus prompting the minister of Defence Ahmed Adami to instigate investigations by psychologists into the anomaly that has seen over ten incidents perpetrated separately on various occasions. To date nothing has been forthcoming and having the head of state address the issue in public and at an armed forces function though unlikely might ensue with a semblance of results.The malady also suffered but to a lower scale by the police force resulting in the lengthily imprisonment of officers found to have acted unprofessionally thus abetted the killings while some perpetrators have already been put to death by firing squad, has also been hugely condemned by the international community but supported widely in Somaliland.
Though the commemorations lacked the usual pomp and display of might, significance of celebrating the armed forces day in Oog town in Sarar a sub region of the broader Toghdeer region in the east of the country negated the low keyed festivities.
Usually observed in the capital Hargeisa the choice of Oog a town in the neighbourhood of Buhoodle where the army is currently undertaking operations to flush out Khatumo state secessionists led by Prof Ali Khalif Galayd is seen as an ante on warnings against the government in Mogadishu whom the Silanyo administration in Hargeisa accuses of covertly promoting insecurity in Eastern regions of Somaliland through support to the Khatumo political leaders and militias.In Buhoodle town where the state has beefed up security the armed forces is poised to forcefully remove prof Galayd and his Khatumoist militias armed by Mogadishu as soon as the health minister Dr Suleiman Isse ‘Haglatosie gives the nod upon word from local traditional elders who mediating the safe exit of the secessionists
The Somaliland Armed Forces (Somali: Ciidanka Qaranka) are the main military forces in the Republic of Somaliland, They are composed of two active military branches: the army and the navy. There is no air force
The Somaliland Police Force is also a part of the internal security forces and is subordinate to the military.
Current personnel including civilians in the Somaliland military is estimated at 45,000 with several divisions based within all the regions of the country but combat active only in the eastern regions of Sool and Sanaag while the bulk of the top brass and various divisions are at the military headquarters in the capital, Hargeisa.
Due to Somaliland’s lack of international recognition, thus not allowed to procure weapons central coffers allocates 30% of revenues to the military thence more on its armed forces than any other item but this army of a country unrecognized internationally has shown teeth forcing the Somalia President Hasan Sheikh Mahmud’s rush to Addis Ababa tyo appeal for intervention by Ethiopia Successful development of Somaliland’s security infrastructure which contributes to the national security of Somaliland is beneficiary of support from the UK and its partners, as a precursor to harnessing instability in the Horn of Africa that increases the threat to the UK from violent extremist groups.
This intervention that is availed under Justice, Security & Peacebuilding, Defence Service type has the overall objective of Building capability and accountability within the Somaliland army and coastguard which is a project delivered with the title “Building capability and accountability within the Somaliland army and coastguard”
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