Somaliland: Severe Drought Afflicts Awdal and Selel Region, Governors Confirm


{jcomments on}Both human and Livestock in Awdal and Selel regions of Somaliand succumb to Drought

By M. A. Egge
Somalilandsun – Severe drought in the western parts of the country has already made grave impact so much that prayers for the rains have already been initiated.
This was made official by none other than the Awdal Governor himself Mohammed Ali Suleiman aka Ramah in a confirmation he from Borama made through the phone to our sister paper Dawan on Friday night. So, too, has his Selel counterpart stated how desperate the situation is.
“It has reached high proportions of untold magnitude with devastating effects”, affirmed Gov. Ramah of the droughts.
He said that despite the fact that no lives, human or otherwise, have been lost so far, the situation was at the brink of disaster.
“This season will not see the slightest harvests of any produce whatsoever since the drought has bitten deeply,” he said.
To underscore the despair, he revealed, “We have already directed the clergy to invoke the Qunut (special prayers) for rains at all prayer times”.
The invocation of such special prayers is usually taken as the last resort under such circumstances, thus, the point of no return that has traditionally been undertaken for centuries.
The governor said that the seriousness of the situation has resulted to the deputy head of the National Disaster Preparedness Agency visit to the area, thus a prelude to an evaluation team to tour the areas and take stoke of the situation.
The much hit areas are the Selal, Awdal and portions of Gebiley and north of Marodijeh regions.
The same effects of the drought was equally confirmed to Dawan by the Selal Regional Governor Abdirissak Waberi Roble on the same day too.
Mr. Waberi lamented that they have not received any kind of relief help from either the state or any international organizations.
He described the droughts that has hit his region as “one whose proportions have not been seen”.
The Gebiley administration could not be contacted but resident in parts of the region confirmed that there was a severe drought sweeping across the areas.