Somaliland: Consultative Council Changes Name


By: Yusuf M HasanLogo Consultative and Rectification Council

Somalilandsun – The Recently formed National Consultative and Rectification Council-NC&RC has acquired a new name after discarding the word Council.

A press statement released by the council informed that following unending castigations from the administration which alleges that there are only three councils in the country recognized by the constitution the NC&CR has decided to remove the word “Golaha” council

From today henceforth we replaced the word Golaha with Madasha as a result of persistent accusations that the word Golaha is the preserve of the House of Representatives, House of Elders-Gurti and Cabinet of ministers.

Literally translated the two Somali language words of Madasha and Golaha have the same meaning Council thus this is a strategy of the politicians committee to circumvent accusations of usurping the constitution.

The NC&RC which elicited vehement pro and anti debates is composed of a number of prominent personalities and it says its purposes is to provide the government with alternative ideas thus a balanced and all-encompassing base for the administration to make relevant nation building decisions.


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