Somaliland: Public Funds Require Apt Management-Eng. Hashi


Eng Mohamed H Elmi“President Silanyo advised to either make urgent changes in his administration or resign immediately thus save face and country at the same time.

By: Yusuf M Hasan

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The state coffers are wasting a lot of funds paying ghost workers.

Prominent personality and former finance minister Eng Mohamed Hashi Elmi has castigated the ongoing trend where the administration is wasting thousands of dollars monthly paying ghost workers.

In an interview with the Hornnewspaper Eng Hashi who is credited with having turned the country’s public finance management during his stint as president silanyo’s first finance minister informed that there are over 20 people dubbed presidential advisors earning salaries without holding any accrual office.

While a terming the misuse of public funds for personal gain, the veteran politician advised president Silanyo to either make urgent changes in his administration or resign immediately thus save face and country at the same time.

Eng Hashi queried how the government can continue to sustain itself while it utilized massive sums vote rigging on behalf of its Kulmiye party and others aligned to it during the last general elections while at the same time continue paying monthly salaries to over 1,142 traditional chiefs and the very many non-existent presidential advisors.

The country has a secure financial base sufficient for public administration if managed accordingly says the engineer turned politician while informing that

In 2011 the treasury had an income of $83m (15% of current income) and after 3 years of enhanced public funds management that sum should have or has increased by 85% to almost $500m

Therefore the existing problem is not financial but one emanating from poor leadership as a result of the lets not oppose each other arrangements existing between the executive and parliament thus suspect management of public affairs and funds. Due to this cooperation that sees parliament support everything the executive does against the constitution and laws of the land , citizens have lost confidence with current leadership .

“this detrimental cooperation between the two main organs in the country contravenes section 1 article 39 of the constitution which states that parliament’s house of representative is the peoples defender in issues related to the political, economic etc mismanagement of their country”

In conclusion Eng Mohamed Hashi Elmi who gave a lengthily discourse of the negative effects of contravening any constitutional stipulations reiterated his call for the head of state to either make drastic changes urgently and on failure to resign his office thus save the country