Somaliland: Police Commissioner Briefs Parliament on National Security


“Not only have we beefed up various units of the police force nationwide but recruited a sizeable number of university graduates” said Gen FadalGen Iman Fadal

By: Yusuf M Hasan

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The police force is at its best operating capacity in two decades.

This was disclosed by the police commissioner Brigadier Gen Abdilahi Iman Fadal during a briefing to the parliamentary standing committee in Hargeisa.

On the enhanced capabilities of the police the commissioner informed that over a thousand new recruits have been absorbed into the force after successful completion of mandatory basic training.

disclosing that the police are not only well equipped but have sufficient rapid reaction logistics Gen Fadal said that the one year old and British trained counter terrorism Rapid Reaction Unit-RRU has been beefed up with a further 150 trained officers.

“Not only have we beefed up various units of the police force nationwide but recruited a sizeable number of university graduates” said Gen Fadal

According to the police force operations commander Col. Mohamed Haji Nuur Khalif who accompanied his boss to the briefing the police force now boosts of a large cadre of women officers a majority of whom are graduates from local universities.

On the issue of insecurity alluded by foreign governments the law enforcers informed that the force is unaware of such threats to anyone in the country.

Queried on recent security operations conducted nationwide Col Nuur said that the activities which managed to nab a number of suspected terrorists and criminals was not of a unique nature but a usual occurrences.

The parliamentarians also heard that the policfe has managed to eliminate the menace formerly created by a large number of street children who have now been placed in appropriate institutions where they are benefitting from proper care and access to education.

It was also revealed that cases of murder, rape and gender based violence have reduced significantly after the police force intensified counter measures especially the training on human rights imparted to all Officers in charge of police stations and the judiciary apportion stiff sentences to offenders.

According to Gen Fadal the major headaches engulfing the police force now, are related to Smugglers, land disputes and youth gangs related crimes.

Annual Briefings to Both chambers of parliament are obligatory from all ministries, security agencies and parastatals