Somaliland: Our Common Future, Human Security or Military Destruction


Somalia has alot to learn from the homegrown Somaliland conflict resolution mechanism

By: Mohamed M. Muse

Somalilandsun – ”Genuine “world peace” means effective consensus regarding shared sacrifices as well as voluntary cooperation which is theoretically be possible. But world peace imposed by a dominant power assisted by a few partners is unlikely because global power is becoming increasingly diversified and contentious.

For example, Somalia’s peace and security is most likely only now from several decades of crisis, when threats to humanity’s existence generated by regional rivals, terrorists, war within, and etc., become an imminent threat to all. In brief, only Somalia’s peace and security to be driven by a recognition of the threat to everyone’s survival that is the most likely source of salvation for a shortsighted humanity currently not able to see and think beyond the immediate.

According to Zbigniew Brzezinski, who state that it’s not easy to list all of the things two people jointly or separately, did hopefully to make a better world for all of us. He also stated that many people are activists, working seriously day and night to make world peace happen and argued that we are very, very close since we know that there is no recourse. We are about to conquer all prejudices racism, sexism and ageism. He also debated we are now getting the taste of working as activists, and how exciting that is.

SZbigniew Brzezinskimilarly, Yoko Ono stated that extremist echo chambers, and their social networks, are serious threats. If leaders and citizens think that enemies are everywhere, or that their best chance to get ahead (or to heaven) is to attack, then peace will be a pipe dream. He argued that incentives and beliefs can change in hurry. He also debated that democracies do not generally go to war against each other, their leaders have strong incentives to maintain the peace, and information flows freely, breaking down echo chambers and enabling people to find conflict free paths. As self-government and freedom of speech spread, world peace becomes more feasible.

I have to agree the authors that everything is possible with hard work. The peace, security and unity is not something that can as easy asyoko ono we think. It all along with courageous invest by the people. I have to agreed that It’s better to do good things which are expensive than be burdened with non-profitable things. It’s all about transforming minds and believing that things are possible. Other example is that after the Rwanda genocide in 2.5 years, the country got transformed with government led by Kagame to rebuild the vital institutions after the genocide in 1994 where with consultation of the Rwandan people, the lawmakers suggested a constitutional change which facilitated the national tour.

Both Somali and Rwanda faced the hardest periods of their existence in the periods between 1992 – 1995 where the internal conflicts resulted considerable casualties, disease, famine, and political chaos impacting stability in the regions and dramatically changing the course of economic, political and social events. But Rwanda has survived from chaos following after death of Fred Rwigyema, the leader of Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) who was shot in the head and killed by Ugandan forces on 2 October 1990. Poul Kagame take force commander on 15 October to re-organize the RPF. After history of internal conflict,

Poul Kagame with his troops end the fighting with political talks, leading to a peace accord and power sharing. Business environment was Rwanda President Paul Kagameconcentrated, construction of government institutions were observed with the good of political transformation, whereas, Somalia has constantly been in perpetual turmoil ever since and up to decades. Where ever a people believes Somalia is forever doomed while for me at this stage I choose that there is hope for this war torn land. While now Somalia’s federal, regional and local leaders, parliamentarians, and people from all walks of life to building a federal state, step by step, through dialogue and reconciliation. The task is difficult and thorough, but it is vital, and deserves our sustained support even though the extremists and peace violators’ remains dangerous, particularly in asymmetrical terms.

The author Mohamed M. Muse is a Peace and Security Practitioner and a Graduate Student

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