By: Yusuf M Hasan
Somalilandsun – The diminishing political fortunes of politician Ismail Mahmud Hurre ‘Buubaa’ in Mogadishu have resulted in an allegiance rethink.
According to xogdoon Ismail Buubaa is reportedly on the way to his hometown of Hargeisa and the seat of the Somaliland government of which he, Buubaa, has been greatest Sovereignty recognition antagonist for decades.
The native son of Somaliland served twice as the foreign minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, first from 2000 to 2002 and from mid-2006 to early 2007 before fading out from government though he continued his Somaliland bashing.
Prior to granting his political allegiance to South Somalia Ismail Buubaa served as the Somaliland minister of Finance during the administration of late President Abdirahman Ali Tuur.
While no official statement has been issued by either the authorities in Mogadishu or Hargeisa the flagging fortunes of a large number of native Somalilanders who owe loyalty to Somalia thence considered traitors under Somaliland law has become overt lately.Though some traitorous landers hold senior positions in the Federal Government of Somalia discontent with treatment in Mogadishu has come to the fore with rumours of planned mass defections back to their motherland but most poignant is the demise of MP Yusuf Dirir Abdi, a U.K. citizen and native son of Somaliland, was targeted and gunned down by security agents in broad daylight on his return from a parliamentary meeting in Mogadishu on Saturday May 23, 2015.
Ismail Mahmoud Hurre (Buubaa) was born in Hargeisa Somaliland around 1943 and homesickness courtesy of prolonged absence serving Somaliweine interests is probably one of the driving reasons behind his desire for home.If he really does return, will the authorities in Hargeisa forgive and forget thus allow him to resume political life in the country like others before him, most notably Prof Samatar or will he be treated to the courtroom and subsequent stint at Mandera maximum prison in lieu of his rooftops verbosity against the Sovereignty of his motherland?
Mostly likely the former considering that he targeted his return during the month of Ramadan in which forgiveness is a prime tenet is no coincidence.
All in all Are unionists of Somaliland origin in Mogadishu to Roost back Home?