Somalilandsun)- The ministry of constitutional affairs has announced a new five year strategic plan that it envisions to make it its working plan. First and foremost the new policy states the importance to teach all the people of Somaliland their rights as enshrined in the constitution. This was informed by the Director General in ministry of constitutional affairs Mr.Mohamed Hussein Ahmed (Dhabeye) who was interviewed by the national newspaper DAWAN.
The DG confirmed that Somaliland constitution is follows the laws of Allah and never contradicts what Islam has obliged. The director general stated that importance of every citizen to learn the constitution of the country.
Somalilandsun)- The ministry of constitutional affairs has announced a new five year strategic plan that it envisions to make it its working plan. First and foremost the new policy states the importance to teach all the people of Somaliland their rights as enshrined in the constitution. This was informed by the Director General in ministry of constitutional affairs Mr.Mohamed Hussein Ahmed (Dhabeye) who was interviewed by the national newspaper DAWAN.
The DG confirmed to Soonanews that Somaliland constitution is follows the laws of Allah and never contradicts what Islam has obliged. The director general stated that importance of every citizen to learn the constitution of the country.
When asked about the rights of citizens and how the ministry plans to protect it he said “The Kulmiye administration came to power with the promise to make sure that no one is above the law. It is important that the law of the country supersedes everything. President Musa supports the constitutional power so that transparency and accountability can be sustained.”
The DG also confirmed that Somaliland as a country put Islamic law at the fore front of the constitution which gives every citizen his/her right fair and square.
When asked what his ministry does for the country he said “We have a new five year policy we intend to roll out. We are also planning to write the bills that are approved by both houses of parliament and have been accented by the president
When asked about the rights of citizens and how the ministry plans to protect it he said “The Kulmiye administration came to power with the promise to make sure that no one is above the law. It is important that the law of the country supersedes everything. President Musa supports the constitutional power so that transparency and accountability can be sustained.”

The DG also confirmed that Somaliland as a country put Islamic law at the fore front of the constitution which gives every citizen his/her right fair and square.
When asked what his ministry does for the country he said “We have a new five year policy we intend to roll out. We are also planning to write the bills that are approved by both houses of parliament and have been accented by the president into law.”
By: Guleid A Mahir