Somaliland: Energy Ministry Unveils Biogas Technology


By: Yusuf M Hasan
HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Citizens have been urged to switch from use of charcoal based appliances to those utilizing biogas.
“This is as a prelude to protecting the environment and creating employment in the country” said the Somaliland energy minister Eng. Hussein Duale during a ceremony unveiling biogas technology and appliances at his ministry headquarters in Hargeisa.
While stressing on diverse benefits citizens can accrue from use of Biogas Eng. Duale said “Biogas energy is very environment friendly as it is produced from livestock bodily waste more cow dung and other discarded substances like leftover foods and related garbage”
Adding that plans at the energy ministry are at advanced stages for use of biogas in production of electricity Minister Hussein Abdi Duale urged Local and international organizations to facilitate citizens usage of the freely available technology that will also uplift living standards through creation of numerous employment opportunities countrywide.
While who informed that Biogas is not a novel technology to the country but one widely used in homes and various industries worldwide the Somaliland energy minister said Somaliland Energy minister follows Biogas demonstration as he sips a cup of tea prepared using the technology“adapting and using Biogas energy is a win win situation for the country for not only will be gas be availed freely, environment protected and employment created but sanitary living conditions shall be created as well”
In conclusion the energy minister who was sipping on a cup of tea cooked with biogas told the gathering that some countries are powering entire cities with the cheaply produced technology and that nothing hinders Somaliland from emulation.
According to Eng. Abdala Abdirahman Yassin who has been actively involved in the Biogas project, all the appliances on display have been assembled in the country and shall be massed produced to ensure no interested user is denied for lack of necessary tools.
Eng Abdal says all the Biogas production tools are locally manufacturedAs for the ministry of environment that has been in the forefront of protection activities in the country where destruction of forests through charcoal burning the introduction of Biogas technology is much welcomed.
Addressing the demonstration function the deputy minister of environment Ahmed Mahmud Nuur who thanked the energy ministry for its endeavour that though cross-cutting those of ministry are very welcome and will go a long way towards initial decrease and later elimination of wanton environmental destruction in the country.

Participants at the function mainly from stakeholders in the environmental sector among them representatives of various local and international NGO’s and government officials profused thanks to the energy ministry for easing the country’s access to Biogas technology while pledging to undertake awareness raising campaigns nationwide.
Watch the Biogas Demonstration Function