Somaliland: Egypt Offers the SFG Berbera Port Development Funds


Egypt wants to utilize Port of Berbera as conduit if livestock imports from Somalia

By: Yusuf M Hasan
Somalilandsun – Berbera port is to be the focal point for intended increase in Somalia livestock export lo Egypt,
This was announced by Egyptian government representatives during a meeting with the Somalia Federal government-SFG ministers of Animal Resources and Fisheries ahead of a conference bringing together Agriculture, International Cooperation, and Trade and Industry ministries from the two countries in Cairo.
As part of a new cooperation partnership between Cairo and Mogadishu the Egyptian government shall provide the SFG with funds to develop the port of Berbera as well as establishment of butcher shops and animal quarantines funded by Egyptian businessmen and importers which are necessary infrastructures to make the port a perfect outlet for Somalia’s livestock to Egypt.
According to a statement by the President of the African Association of Cattle, Hassan Hafez, said that the ministers will sign protocols for joint cooperation between the two countries in the areas of trade of food commodities, medicine and household items, in return for Egypt’s import of Somali live cattle and fish.
Hafez pointed out that Somalia has a comparative advantage in the export of live cattle as it breeds more than 30 million cattle
Adapted from Translations of the original article in Arabic published by Al-Masry Al-Youm
Despite all Somalilandsun remains unable to verify what is or where is based the African Association of Cattle thus requesting anyone with factual information to assist via thence confirm the this bizarre announcement