Somaliland: “Egal Int Airport is Out of Bounds for Armed Persons” Airport Security


Egal airport officer in charge of Security Capt Salah Aarshe shows some of the weaponry seized from motorists entering the facility

By: Latifa Yusuf Masai
HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Citizens have been warned against carrying weapons within Egal International Airport in Hargeisa.
The warning was issued by the officer in-charge of security at the airport Captain Salah Aarshe Ileeye during a press briefing at his command post where he also displayed an assortment of weapons relieved from various airport users.
Flanked by the manager of the main Somaliland airport Mr. Mohamed Yusuf, the police officer said that his officers have seized over 80 pieces of weaponry from Motorists entering the facility in the first quarter of 2015.
As he pointed out the array of weaponry that included Pistols, Daggers, sticks and swords among others said, “Let it be known that any type of weapon is not allowed either at Egal or any other airport in the country”

L R officer in Charge of Egal Airport police Capt Salah Aarshe and Facility Manager Mohamed Ismail at the weaqpons dispaly press brieifing
While those found in possession of the weapons were not prosecuted the Egal Airport police station commander Captain Salah Aarshe Ileeye warned that from now henceforth criminal charges shall be preferred.
As he congratulated the police for diligence in their work, the airport’s Manager Mohamed Yusuf Ismail said that the denial to bear weapons within precincts of the facility is geared towards ensuring safety of passengers and employees.
“While licensed weapons shall be returned to owners upon departure from the Airport, the unlicensed ones shall be impounded by the police who have the said authority plus that of prosecution” Said Mohamed

It is worth noting that security at Egal Airport is very apt and the weaponry displayed by police was confiscated from motorists at the main airport entrance gate and not inside the facility.