Somaliland: Combating Prosopis


Proposis also known as Julifora is common in somaliland

Somalilandsun – A workshop was held to complete the work that PENHA has been doing in Somaliland to combat the advance of Prosopis, a shrub imported into the Horn of Africa in the middle of last century. The workshop was opened by Ms Shukri Haji Bandere, Minister of Environment and Rural Development. In confronting this invasive and problematic shrub, she called for a “national campaign on utilizing the benefit of Prosopis which PENHA has shown us. From here on, this tree is known to us.”
The main contributor to the meeting was Dr. Nuha Hamed Talib, of PENHA Sudan and the Sudanese Government Animal Production Research Centre (APRC). She summarised the history of Prosopis in Sudan (from 1917) and how since about 1990, policy in Sudan aims at eradication and sees Prosopis utilization as part of this – a temporary means alongside a determined eradication effort involving draconian legislation and expensive chemical and mechanical methods deployed on a large scale. From the workshop, it was clear that this form of eradication was not feasible.

Particiapants of the PENHA organized workshop
A full and detailed account of the workshop can be seen here.
PENHA’s mission is to reduce poverty among the pastoralists in the Horn of Africa through the empowerment of communities and to foster sustainable and dignified livestock-based and non-livestock-based livelihoods.

It is led by Somaliland citizen Ms Sadia Aw Muse currently headquartered in Hargeisa at the Non Governmental offices where she spearheads the realization of the organizations objectives of empowering pastoralist communities and their institutions to play a full role in their own development and to influence development policy and development programme design to foster sustainable livelihoods among pastoralists. For more details visit