Somalilandsun – The legalities surrounding the arrest and subsequent detention in police custody of Mrs. Saado Jama Aadan is doubtful and a denial of her rights.
This is according to Amnesty international-AI which reveals that Mrs. Saado Jama Aadan was arrested without a warrant by the police on 12 March from her home in Berbera at about 10.30 pm local time, in violation of Article 25(2) of the Somaliland Constitution which states that “no person may be arrested, searched, or detained, except when caught in the act of committing crime, or on the issue of a reasoned arrest warrant by a competent judge.”
To this effect the AI is calling upon the Somaliland authorities to immediately transfer Mrs. Saado Jama Aadan’s case to a civilian court, and try her in line with international standards for fair trial; in addition she should be allowed immediate and regular access to her family and a lawyer of her choice while Urging them, authorities, to ensure that she is not tortured or otherwise ill-treated.AI is asking Somalilanders and all human rights activists to campaign for the rights of Mrs. Saado Jama Aadan, continue reading