Somalilandsun – Dr. Shukri and Dr. Naima are the first ever female doctors at the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital. In Somaliland, where all women are expected to get married at a very young age and to stay at home with their family to take care of their children, this is an incredible accomplishment.
“We are currently providing safe births and cesarean sections to on average 30 women per month. With additional funding, we could treat 10 more women per month.” Dr. Shukri and Dr. Naima focus their work on providing safe births, cesarean sections, and postnatal care for premature babies. On top of this, Dr. Shukri is an accomplished surgeon that doesn’t shy away on complex cases like the 6-year-old boy Amin.
Amin had a severe car accident last fall 2013. He fractured his pelvis and almost lost his leg due to a severe laceration on his right thigh. The clinic that first treated him, simply stitched up the deep cut without properly cleaning the wound.
When Amin reached the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital, the wound site was necrotic and he was in grave danger.
Once with us, our surgeon, Dr. Shukri, spent weeks patching up Amin’s wounds with skin grafts. On April 2nd 2014, thanks to Dr. Shukri and her medical team’s hard work, 6-year-old Amin was discharged from hospital and could return home safely and happily with his father. Although he’s well enough to go home, he’ll need periodic checkups for the next few months.Keep your eyes peeled for news from these powerhouse doctors Dr. Shukri and Dr. Naima. Or even better, support their work by donating directly to Dr. Shukri and Dr. Naima to fund the next cesarean section or safe birth for a Somali mother!
Charlotte Brugman
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