Iqbal’s Philosophy, A Solution For Muslims Problems


Somaliland sun – Today Muslim World is facing challenges of different kinds like weak economy, illiteracy, extremism, sectarianism, ideological confusions etc. which need to be addressed and solutions of same be explored.
Concurred the high profile speakers at round table discussion In connection with the death anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, organized by the MUSLIM Institute on Wednesday April 22, 2015 at National Library, Islamabad.titled “Iqbal’s Philosophy: A Solution for Problems of Muslims”
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the poet of East, was a great thinker not only for the Muslim world but for humanity at large. His message is global and goes beyond the limits of geography or a particular school of thought. Iqbal talked about the role of Muslims in the changing world. He simulated all the ideas of that time and based on teachings of Holy Quran, never get biased against any tradition or society as he says: Donʹt shun the East, nor look on West with scorn, Since Nature yearns for change of night to morn
Read the Complete RTD Report