By: Liban Haji Rabi
ERIGAVO (Somalilandsun) – Residents of Karin Village atop the Scenic Dallo Mountain in Erigavo District of Sanaag region have appealed for help in securing sufficient and safe drinking water.
While partaking in the on-going worldwide celebrations marking the 22nd anniversary of the country’s independence the villagers informed that their allegiance to Somaliland remains un-shakeable as well as one never to quiver.
The village Honcho Mr Mohamed Duale Shire in his 18th may address said that being atop Dallo Mountains the area of Karin is very fertile and productive during the rainy seasons.
“If funds are availed to tap the abundant sources of water within the Karin area much needed basic needs for residents shall be made possible year round thus negate current scenario where we feed three times a day within the rainy r=seasons and a while afterwards. Reporter Youssef Bakayle who send this report from Karin village says the area residents are continuously engulfed by water shortages for human and livestock consumption.