Somalilandsun; Somalia has no confirmed cases of COVID-19 within its borders.
Entry and Exit Requirements:
- Somali has implemented health screening and immigration controls for all travelers arriving to Mogadishu.
- Somali nationals who have been to China in the two weeks prior to landing will automatically be quarantined upon arrival in Somalia.
- Foreign nationals who have traveled to China in the two weeks prior to landing will be denied entry into Somalia.
- Health screenings are being implemented under the guidance of UN and World Health Organization representatives in Mogadishu.
Quarantine Information:
- Somali authorities have established a quarantine unit at Aden Adde International Airport
(AAIA) in Mogadishu to isolate arriving passengers who have recently traveled to China and for those that demonstrate symptoms of coronavirus.
Other Links:
- COVID-19 crisis page on
- CDC page on COVID-19
- Country Information and Travel Advisory page