Somaliland: US Embassy Somalia Coronavirus- COVID-19 Information Update

Somaliland and somalia have not recorded any coronavirus cases

Somalilandsun; Somalia has no confirmed cases of COVID-19 within its borders.

Entry and Exit Requirements:

  • Somali has implemented health screening and immigration controls for all travelers arriving to Mogadishu.
  • Somali nationals who have been to China in the two weeks prior to landing will automatically be quarantined upon arrival in Somalia.
  • Foreign nationals who have traveled to China in the two weeks prior to landing will be denied entry into Somalia.
  • Health screenings are being implemented under the guidance of UN and World Health Organization representatives in Mogadishu.

Quarantine Information:

  • Somali authorities have established a quarantine unit at Aden Adde International Airport
    US state department somalia

    (AAIA) in Mogadishu to isolate arriving passengers who have recently traveled to China and for those that demonstrate symptoms of coronavirus.

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