Somaliland: Seyla District to Get Prison and Courts of Law


Somaliland Chief Justice Adan Haji Ali Ahmed in Sayla to lay foundation stones

By M.A. Egge

Somalilandsun- The Chief Justice laid the foundation stones of two major public institution buildingsfor the judiciary sector, which were indeed direly needed in the Selal region, on Thursday.

Justice Adan Haji Ali Ahmed said that new courts of law buildings for both regional and district levels and the up-coming public prison he laid the foundations stone for would go down well to serve the residents of the area.

He said that the constraints to the management of justice resulting from lack of the facilities will be addressed when the buildings are constructed.

The Chief Justice however said that for the establishments to be realized tangibly, extra efforts directed  to the cause  would be needed from both the regional and district levels.

“It is quite honourous for us to assemble here for the establishment of the Selal prison, the law courts and state counsel offices,” he said.

He added, “It is imperative for extra efforts and motivations to be encouraged for the realizations of this cause.

The Regional Governor Abdinassir Mohamed Hassan expounded on the dire need the region had for the facilities hence donated a hall to be temporarily the working premises for the judiciary department.