By: Ahmed Kheyre
Somaliland sun – The last few years had seen a concerted effort by many Somalilanders, at home and abroad, to raise awareness and funds for the one final land link between the western/central regions of Somaliland and the nation’s bounty, the unexplored and untapped Sanaag region. The road link between Burco & Ceerigaabo was to be final link that draws the nation closer until such a time when other forms of transport, such as air transport will take off.
Countless Somalilanders donated small and large amounts, women sold their jewellery, young kids saved their pocket money, pensioners missed a meal or two, just to raise the funds for the road. It was shining example of Somaliland’s can do attitude. This whole hearted effort was spearheaded from the Presidency by Hersi Haji Ali Hassan, among others.
Fundraising drives were held anywhere more than two Somalilanders gathered, and the majority of the funds were raised and the road steamed out of Burco on a wings of flight..Then Hersi resigned, and not a peep since then.
Does the project survive? What happened to the machinery and equipment? Where is the exact location of the road’s current status? No answer is forthcoming.
Sadly, Hersi’s replacement at the Presidency Mohamud Hashi is not a man of the people, more like a man of the “beesha”. He does not do road constructions. He neither has Hersi’s charisma or care for Somaliland’s development, so he probably doesn’t know how the road project is going. The new minister for Public Works is an illiterate former driver who enjoys giving car’s away and starting inter-community strife, allegedly, by giving the go ahead to illegal ports in Sahil. So, he is also clueless.
It is a pity that such a noble project has got bogged down on personality clashes. It is always worth remembering that state is above all. What is good for the country takes precedence over personal glory. After almost seven years in office the administration of President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud “Silaanyo” is proving correct the old maxim, “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
We hope, when the new government comes into office in 2017 projects such as the Ceerigaabo road, the Fuel Terminals and other simmering national issues will be resolved to the benefit of the nation and its people.
Allaa Mahad Leh