Somaliland: Baligubadle Councilor Seeks Police Protection after Attempts on his Life



By: Yusuf M Hasan

BALIGUBADLE (Somalilandsun) – Fearful of losing his life Councilor Abdilahi Mohamed Ali is spending the second night at Baligubadle police station.

Speaking to Somalilandsun via telephone from his new home of Baligubadle police station the Councilor popular known as ‘Abdilahi Assay’ say that he sought to seek protection within the confines of the police station following two attempts on his life on Sunday.

“Although twCllr  Abdilahi Assay in happier timeso of my to have been assassinators are under arrest my life and that of my family is in dire danger”

According to the councilor the motive behind his attempted murder pertains to a land dispute in the town council of Baligubadle in which he is chairman of the lands committee.

“I appeal to the central government for urgent measure to save my life and that of my family said the councilor who represents a tiny minority clan in the District.

Somalilandsun plans to visit the councilor at the police station for further details

Meanwhile will somebody somewhere do something before it is too late?

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