Comprehensive Refugee Responses in the Horn of Africa: REF Report


The Research and Evidence facility  has released latest report on the implementation of CRRF and the role of IGAD 🇸🇴🇩🇯🇰🇪🇺🇬
Comprehensive Refugee Responses in the Horn of Africa: Regional leadership on education, livelihoods and durable solutions

Supported by the EU Trust Fund, the Research and Evidence Facility (REF) on migration in the Horn Of Africa has been created to collate and produce evidence and policy relevant knowledge.

This latest report titled Comprehensive Refugee Responses in the Horn of Africa analyses the ways in which the Nairobi Process and Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) are being implemented, and the role of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda following a study conduced in 2019 .

The report focuses on both the positive impact and potential challenges CRRF implementation has had and will have on Education, Jobs and Livelihoods and Durable Solutions in each country. It recognises that IGAD has been vital in helping to mobilise political attention and commitment for action on displacement issues.

The report contains 9 key recommendations for local and national governments, policy makers, donors, communities and sectors to work towards durable solutions in the region for refugees.

Read a summary of the report : Comprehensive Refugee Responses in the Horn of Africa: Regional Leadership on Education, Livelihoods and Durable Solutions: summary of findings.